Today is National Popcorn Day, so in honor of that auspicious occasion, I had some for breakfast (thankfully it wasn’t National Vodka Gimlet Day, or there would be no posting at all……). Popcorn is wonderful stuff; everyone loves it, it just looks like fun, and a gourmet variety would make a wonderful addition to your cocktail hour. We make a mix of popcorn, pignoli nuts or toasted almonds, little pretzels and Oriental rice crackers. Toss that all with melted butter, a little kosher or rough cut salt, pepper and throw it in big silver bowls on the bar. Yum Yum. When I’m at home, in my jammies, I add chunks of fresh mozzarella, sliced sun dried tomatoes and roasted garlic, and pan fried garbanzo beans. Wash it all down with a Gimlet (but not for breakfast, okay?)